Originale Muhammedtegninger 1/1 og 2/2

Originale Muhammedtegninger 1/1 og 2/2

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BEMÆRK - Værket opbevares i sikret bankboks !

Begge værker OMT 1/1 og OMT 2/2 (sæt med to) er Originale Muhammed Tegninger.

OMT 1/1 er lavet i 1994 og OMT 2/2 er lavet i 2005 og har begge tilhørt Kurt Westergaard inden de overgik i privateje. OMT 2/2 er signeret personligt af Kurt Westergaard på bagsiden, hvor det ligeledes fremgår at der findes to originaludgaver af Muhammedtegningen. Betegnelsen OMT 2/2 står for Muhammed Tegning 2/ fordi det officielt var anden gang Kurt Westergaard benyttede en Muhammedtegning. /2 fordi det var den anden af de fem tegninger fra 2005, som han selv anerkendte som værende en originaltegning
OMT 1/1 findes alene i én udgave og er aldrig udkommet på tryk. Sættet sælges samlet og rummer således hele fortællingen om Kurt Westergaards Muhammedtegninger. Betegnelsen OMT 1/1 står for Muhammed Tegning 1/ fordi det officielt var første gang Kurt Westergaard benyttede en Muhammedtegning. /1 fordi det var den som noget helt unikt, alene findes i ét eksemplar.

Omkring 2007-2008 eksploderede den internationale opmærksomhed omkring Kurt Westergårds Muhammedtegninger og interessen fra samlere over hele verden kom på sporet af OMT 1/1 – der indtil i dag, aldrig har været handlet.
Henvisning: side 292 - 299 i bogen – I Kurts kølvand.


Sættet med begge versioner (første OMT 1/1 og sidste OMT 2/2) er et særdeles efterspurgt internationalt samlerobjekt hvor hele historien er samlet.

Verdens førende auktionshuse om Muhammedtegningerne:

An absolute piece of collectors item no. 1 – priceless if you ask me…
- Sothebys London

A true diamond, maybe a black diamond, but a diamond indeed…
- Christies New York

Waauw – The holy grail of cartoons. It realy excists – impossible to put a price on…
- Heritage Auctions New York

This is realy something and the right persons will probably pay with their right arm for it…
- Bruun Rasmussen Denmark

fra privat dansk samling

OMT 1/1: Airbrush på papir og OMT2/2: Blæk, mixed media samt forskellige farver på papir (størrelse A4)

Visuel mål: begge 15,7 x 20,8 cm.

TILSTAND    M (Mint)

BEMÆRK - Værket opbevares i sikret bankboks !

Kontant os vedr. pris !


PLEASE NOTICE - The Item is located in a secured vault !


Both items OMT 1/1 and OMT 2/2 (sold as a pair) are Original Muhammed Drawings.

OMT 1/1 was made in 1994 and OMT 2/2 was made in 2005 and they were both the private property of Kurt Westergaard before becoming part of a private collection. On the backside, OMT 2/2 has been signed personally by Kurt Westergaard, where it is also stated that another two originals of the Muhammed Drawing exist. The designation OMT 2/2 stands for Original Muhammed Drawing 2/ since it was the second time that Kurt Westergaard used a Muhammed Drawing. /2 because it was the second of the five original drawings from 2005, which he himself acknowledged as originals.

OMT 1/1 exists only in one edition and has never been printed. The two drawings are sold as a pair and thereby they embrace the entire narrative/story of Kurt Westergaard’s Muhammed Drawings. The designation OMT 1/1 stands for Original Muhammed Drawing 1/ because it was officially the first time Kurt Westergaard made a Muhammed drawing. /1 since it uniquely only exists in one edition.

During the years 2007-2008 Kurt Westergaard’s Muhammed drawings became the cause of considerable international attention and collectors from all over the world took a keen interest in OMT 1/1 – which has – until today – never been on the market.
Reference: p. 292 - 299 in the book “I Kurts kølvand.”


The lot with both editions (first OMT 1/1 and last OMT 2/2) is a highly demanded international collector’s item covering the entire story.

An absolute piece of collector’s item no. 1 – priceless if you ask me…
- Sothebys London

A true diamond, maybe a black diamond, but a diamond indeed…
- Christies New York

Waauw – The holy grail of cartoons. It really exists – impossible to put a price on…
- Heritage Auctions New York

This is really something and the right persons will probably pay with their right arm for it…
- Bruun Rasmussen Denmark


OMT 1/1 Airbrush on paper and OMT 2/2 Ink, various media and different colours on paper

Visible dimensions: Both 15,7 x 20,8 cm.


PLEASE NOTICE - The Item is located in a secured vault !

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